The Mini Stroke And 2 Important Symptoms for Women

The Mini Stroke And 2 Important Symptoms for Women 

When it comes to mini-stroke symptoms in women. The first question that pops up in people's minds is what is a mini-stroke?

A small shock is often considered a warning. For stroke recurrence. If there is a mini-stroke and no preventive measures are taken. You are at risk of another (and greater) stroke.

About 500,000 minor strokes occur in the United States each year. When it comes to stroke, is usually caused by brain cell damage.

As you know, our brain is involved in every activity in our daily life, but it needs oxygen. Blood from your heart supplies your brain with the oxygen it needs. A stroke includes any blockage of blood vessels. Will prevent oxygen from entering the brain cells.

What are the symptoms of a minor stroke in women?

The symptoms of a mini-stroke depend on how severe the attack is. These symptoms appear and usually last from a few minutes to a day before disappearing.

Remember that loss of symptoms is a very serious condition. To prevent further damage.

Although it is different from continuous hitting. The symptoms associated with them are very similar and the only difference is a small stroke. Symptoms do not last more than 24 hours. (See a doctor as soon as stroke symptoms appear. The only way to prevent brain cell damage is to treat it early).

Let the right side of your brain take care of the left side of your body and vice versa. if symptoms occur, they will appear on one side, not both. A common way to check if something is wrong is to ask him to smile. If the smile turns out to be asymmetrical, it can be a visible sign of a small stroke for women.

Stroke symptoms in women:

First, muscle weakness is one of the easiest ways to diagnose a stroke. In particular, watch for strange movements of the muscles of the face, legs, or hands. It is more visible on one side of the body. Feelings of confusion were also reported.

This is not always the case if the attack occurs in the center of the heart. you will see that people will face difficulties. listen and understand what people are saying.

Sometimes can be moody and emotional. exposure causes sudden mood swings.

Confusion, difficulty reading, and writing, dizziness. Difficulty walking is also a common symptom.

When you notice any of these minor stroke symptoms in women, see your doctor as soon as possible. Then you have to take care of your heart.
