3 Top Causes High Cholesterol and Its Big Symptoms

Everyone knows that you have cholesterol in your body. This is necessary for the efficient performance of body functions. But too much cholesterol means wax. Lipids are produced in your blood. and they will stick to the coronary arteries of your heart.


This article does not attempt to give you precise instructions. Know the symptoms of high cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol, you will not feel pain. Feeling tired, sick, or anything else in your body, You still feel good and healthy. Problems with high cholesterol. There is no precise way to determine. yes or no because I don't want to cause you physical pain - until it's too late.


One of the main causes of high cholesterol is often genetic. There are two types of genetic disorders, one rarer than the other. This rare condition can lead to several cardiovascular diseases. Illness of childhood. Cholesterol symptoms are associated with different people. Cardiovascular disease occurs between the ages of 30 and 40.


Unfortunately, if a family member has died due to heart disease. May be associated with high cholesterol in old age. So, medical blood should be tested.


Trans fatty acids and excess nutrients. This is one of the main causes of hypercholesterolemia in Western society. Dietary cholesterol was once thought to be the main cause. But recent research has shown. Foods that increase cholesterol like eggs are easy for bees to eat. For example, eating two or three eggs a week seems to be good.


High cholesterol can enter the body. Hereditary factors or environmental factors. It can affect your current lifestyle. But your exercise level or what you eat can do a lot to manage that. Any food that contains trans fats, saturated fats, and hydrogenated fats. It can increase cholesterol levels.


High cholesterol is associated with arterial plaque. The medical name for this condition is atherosclerosis. It can cause a great deal of pressure on individuals. It causes various types of deposits to form in your arteries. This will restrict and reduce blood flow and volume through it. If this continues, it can lead to bleeding. Make sure you are very narrow-minded. To supply the heart muscle with the required amount of oxygen. One of the early symptoms of this condition is chest pain. If one of these symbols is removed, it can cause bleeding. It is dangerous because it can block blood flow and cause heart attacks and strokes. That is why it is recommended to check your cholesterol level. Prevent high cholesterol instead of waiting for symptoms to appear.

