World Heart Day and Care of Women and Children

This continuation of last year's heart health theme. The World Heart Federation continues this year's theme One World, One Home, One Heart. This year the focus will be on the prevention of CWDsin women and children.


There are some misconceptions to keep in mind. Coronary illness is more uncommon in ladies than men. The truth is that women are as likely to suffer from heart disease as they get older. The World Heart Federation says heart disease. The No. 1 killer of women, it kills 1 in 3 women, which is one death every minute.


Children are also susceptible to heart disease due to many risk factors. Congenital heart disease is on the rise among children in India. Children are also susceptible to heart disease. Bad fats, sugar, and tobacco come from unhealthy eating habits. Low physical activity and childhood obesity.


This World Heart Day. Learn about heart disease and dispel myths wherever and whenever you can!


Risk factors for heart disease in women


Smoking: Women are more prone to heart problems than men due to smoking.


High triglyceride levels: Women suffer from atherosclerosis due to high triglyceride levels.


Diabetes, obesity, and depression: Three barriers to health. Diabetes, obesity, and depression are more common in women than in men.


Other risks: Some other risk factors associated with men are high blood pressure. Total cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, hyperglycemia. healthy eating, physical inactivity, and stress.


Specific risk factors: Certain risk factors affect women. Who use only oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy. Post menopause and cystic ovary syndrome. Also, the risk of heart attack is higher among women with each menstrual cycle.


Nonmodifiable risk factors: Some nonmodifiable risk factors. Men and women differ in age, gender, and ethnicity.


Some facts about women and heart disease


Women are more affected by heart problems. 10 years later than men due to the protective effect of estrogen. After menopause, a woman's risk of heart attack increases. When LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. The level starts to rise and the level starts to fall.


Most women do not experience normal breast pain. Cardiovascular syndrome.


Heart disease mortality among young women. Although built, he is bigger than a man his age. Less heartburn in the arteries and more stable blood pressure.


Women who smoke have a higher risk of developing hypertension. In people at high risk, the risk of heart attack is 7 to 20 times greater than in people at optimal risk.

Women with gestational diabetes and recurrent pregnancy loss. hypertension related to pregnancy or Precambrian. Your risk of developing heart disease is higher when you are younger.

