5 common heart diseases and how reduce the risk heart diseases

Common causes of heart disease are High blood pressure and Smoking. High cholesterol Physical inactivity Food, including saturated and trans fats, salt. Sugar Obesity and obesity Diabetes Stress and depression Genetics and family history. Drink alcohol Note: It is important to have a healthy lifestyle and consult a doctor. Track your risk factors and prevent heart disease. A first-time heart attack is also known as a myocardial infarction. When blood flows from part of the heart block, it usually flows through veins. This causes damage or death of heart muscle cells. Common symptoms of Heart disease include the following conditions. Chest pain or discomfort that feels like pressure, tightness,

or fullness. Torment in the center or left half of the chest. Pain or discomfort in other parts of the upper body, such as arms, neck, jaw, back, or stomach. Don't hold your breath It's cold Nausea or vomiting Lightheadedness or dizziness. If you think you or someone else has heart disease, get medical help. By calling emergency services. Early treatment can prevent serious damage to the heart. Increment your possibilities of full recuperation. Eating a banana every day is safe for most people. But it is important to have a balanced diet and a variety of foods that you eat. You ensure you get every one of the supplements you want. Eating only one type of food every day can lead to a lack of variety. It results in more nutritious foods in your diet. It is best if it includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein. Healthy fats in your diet. You can take the following steps to reduce your risk of heart disease. Exercise and maintain a healthy weight Eat a balanced diet that is low in saturated fat, and trans fat. Cholesterol Quit smoking or don't smoke Control. your blood pressure and cholesterol levels through medication.

Lifestyle changes Manage stress Limit alcohol consumption. Get regular checkups with your doctor for Cardiovascular disease, treatment, and management. This will depend on the specific type and severity of the situation. This may include lifestyle changes, medications, surgery or other procedures, and rehabilitation. It is important to work with health. Providers for personal care plans.

